Home Florida Florida Dog Owners: Key Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs

Florida Dog Owners: Key Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs


Many dog owners in Florida worry about the effects of the heat on their pet’s health. While many dogs enjoy being out in the sunshine, there are risks, particularly when temperatures soar. As a responsible dog owner, you need to make sure you take steps to protect your pet from the heat. In addition, you need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of common heat-related issues, one of which is heatstroke.

Heatstroke can be very serious for your dog, and this is why it is important to seek advice and veterinary assistance urgently if you feel your pooch has been affected. With the weather in Florida often extremely warm, it is advisable to always have the details of an experienced vet in Florida to hand in case you need expert advice and treatment. Being aware of the signs of heatstroke will enable you to seek treatment quickly if needed.

Some of the Signs

There are multiple symptoms that your dog might display if suffering from heatstroke. Some of these are:

Heavy breathing

One of the signs that your dog might be suffering from heatstroke is heavy panting. You might notice that your pet’s breathing becomes noisier and more labored as the heatstroke gets worse, so this is something you should look out for. Also, look out for heavy panting, which is another tell-tale sign of heatstroke in dogs.

Red gums

If you are worried that your pet might have heatstroke, take the time to check its gums. Dogs often develop redness around the gums and tongue, so make sure you check this alongside other signs of heatstroke to get a better idea about your pet’s health.


Many dogs drool naturally, but this can also be a sign of heatstroke. If your pet doesn’t generally drool, but suddenly starts to do this during the hotter weather, it could be an indication of heatstroke.

Increased heart rate

It is also worth noting that heatstroke can cause an increased heart rate in some pets. If you suspect that your pet’s heart rate has increased, it is important to speak to the vet so they can determine whether it is heatstroke or down to another issue.

Restlessness and agitation

You might notice that your dog seems very agitated and restless, which can be totally out of character for some pets. While this sometimes happens just because your pet is uncomfortable in the heat, it can also be the result of heatstroke.

Sickness and diarrhea

Sickness and diarrhea can be an indication of all sorts of issues, so you should always seek advice if your pet has these symptoms. When the weather is very hot, this could be the result of heatstroke, so always speak to a vet.

Eyes glazed over

One other thing to keep an eye on is your dog’s eyes. With some pets, heatstroke can lead to eyes becoming glazed. If you notice this alongside other symptoms, always seek expert help from a Florida vet.

Protect Your Pooch

Keeping your pooch indoors, limiting exercise, providing hydration, and creating a cool environment can help you protect your pooch in the hot weather. Also, being aware of the signs of heatstroke means that if your pet is affected, you can seek treatment and advice right away.