Central Florida Counties Under Burn Bans: June 2024

To prevent wildfires during dry weather conditions, several Central Florida counties have implemented burn bans. Here’s a summary of the current bans:

Brevard County

  • Effective Date: May 8
  • Restrictions: No open fires, including bonfires, campfires, and trash burning.
  • Exceptions: State-permitted burns, barbecue grills, authorized public fireworks displays, and fireworks sales are allowed.

Seminole County

  • Effective Date: May 28
  • Restrictions: All outdoor burning not permitted by the Florida Forest Service, including bonfires, campfires, and yard debris burning, is prohibited.
  • Penalties: Violators may be fined up to $500 or jailed for up to 60 days.

Polk County

  • Effective Date: May 28
  • Restrictions: No campfires, bonfires, unpermitted controlled burns, burning of yard and household trash, construction debris, or organic debris. Fireworks are also prohibited.
  • Exceptions: Noncommercial burning for religious or ceremonial purposes is allowed if contained in a barbecue grill or pit with a fuel area not exceeding three feet in diameter and two feet in height.

Osceola County

  • Effective Date: May 29
  • Restrictions: Ban on open fire pits, campfires, and yard debris burning in unincorporated areas.
  • Monitoring: Osceola County Fire Rescue will monitor conditions to determine when the ban will be lifted.

Orange County

  • Effective Date: May 31
  • Restrictions: No open fires of any kind, including campfires, bonfires, and yard and trash burning.

Flagler County

  • Effective Date: June 5
  • Duration: Seven days
  • Restrictions: Prohibits the use of fireworks, sparklers, flares, or other items containing explosive compounds. No open burning, including fire pits and containers, unless using attended outdoor cookers and grills.

Volusia County

  • Effective Date: June 6
  • Restrictions: Bans all outdoor burning not permitted by the Florida Forest Service, including bonfires, campfires, and yard debris burning.

Tips to Protect Your Home and Business from Wildfires

  1. Create Defensible Space: Maintain a 30-foot area of clean and green space around your property.
  2. Clear Vegetation: Remove trash and dead vegetation from your yard.
  3. Clean Roof and Gutters: Keep leaves and debris off your roof and out of gutters.
  4. Prepare an Emergency Plan: Have an evacuation plan and an emergency kit ready.
  5. Stay Informed: Monitor local media and social media for updates on road closures, smoke conditions, and other hazards.
  6. Use Caution: Be extremely careful when grilling, camping, and discarding cigarettes.
  7. Report Fires: Call 911 immediately if you see smoke or fire in your area.

By adhering to these guidelines and respecting the burn bans, you can help prevent wildfires and protect your community.