Gender inequality can predict high levels of physical abuse against children

International Journal of Environmental and Health Research (2022). DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191911928″ width=”800″ height=”324″/>

Physical violence among hypothetical samples of 100 children at average levels of gender inequality. Note: Results indicate that at the average GII level, 11 male children and 9 female children would be maltreated. If a similar indicator were constructed for countries where the GII was 1 standard deviation above the mean, 17 male children and 16 female children would be victims of violence. At 1 standard deviation below the mean, 7 male children and 5 female children would be maltreated. credit: International Journal of Environmental and Health Research (2022). DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191911928

The challenges faced by women in low- and middle-income countries as they seek equal rights can be distressing, and some may take it out on their children through physical abuse.

In a new report published in International Journal of Environmental and Health Researchresearchers at the University of Michigan found that gender inequality at the adult level perpetuates women’s economic insecurity, which contributes to higher rates of child abuse.

The study involved more than 420,000 households from 51 countries, according to UNICEF and the United Nations.

Respondents answered questions about whether they had hit a child on the face, head, or ears in the past month. A separate index compiled by the UN measured the level of gender inequality. Using several variables, the researchers calculated the likelihood of child abuse.

The study found that almost 8% of children were exposed to physical violence, which most often occurred in situations where the level of gender inequality was higher. Other situations where child abuse was high for those living in urban residences or with large family members. Abuse was less likely when the respondent was someone other than the biological parent, the study found.

Chances of physical violence The study found that boys had a slightly higher rate than girls when adult inequality was taken into account. The authors of the study cite two factors: higher levels of gender inequality may be associated with higher levels of violence against women, and higher levels of gender inequality may be associated with fewer opportunities for women.

The researchers noted that eliminating gender-discriminatory laws and practices would empower women economically and politically, thereby strengthening their caregiving role and promoting nurturing, non-physical child-rearing practices.

“Gender equality benefits all children, especially in low resource settings where the responsibilities of child care rest mainly with women,” they wrote.

Gender inequality is not to blame for parenting alone

Additional information:
Julie Ma et al., Gender Inequality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Associations with Parental Physical Abuse and Child Gender Moderation, International Journal of Environmental and Health Research (2022). DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191911928

Citation: Gender Inequality May Predict High Child Physical Abuse (2022, October 5) Retrieved October 5, 2022, from html

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