Jeffrey Dahmer he looked out of place, partly because of his glasses… and now the shades he wore in prison are up for sale and will cost more than anything at LensCrafters.
Taylor Jameswho runs Cult Collectibles out of Vancouver, Canada, tells TMZ … he’s willing to part with the serial killer’s prison glasses for $150,000.
Dahmer was convicted of 16 murders and sentenced to life in prison back in 1992, but he only lasted a few years behind bars before he was beaten to death by a fellow inmate.
Taylor says he got his hands on the curtains a couple of years ago, along with a bunch of other Dahmer memorabilia, after being contacted by Jeffrey’s father’s former housekeeper, Lionel. Taylor agreed to curate and sell the collection through his website for a portion of the profits.
Cult Collectibles sells a ton of items from its Collection of Jeffrey Dahmer online, including his cutlery, his Bible, original family photos and a stack of documents – these items are up for sale. Prison Glasses is not listed on the website, but interested parties can contact Taylor directly.
There has been renewed interest in Dahmer’s infamous heel murder a new Netflix series … and we’re told Cult Collectibles recently sold another pair of Jeffrey’s glasses in a private sale to a high-profile buyer.