UC Berkeley is offering a Nicki Minaj course next spring

UC Berkeley quickly offers something for everyone super geeky scholars on their campus! But before your mind goes to the gutter, news about a career-based course Super freaky girl inspiration Nicki Minaj.

And it looks like the rapper is set to pay a visit when the course starts in the spring 2023 semester. On October 6, a Twitter user shared the news and tagged the mogul. In less than an hour, – answered Niki, “I’d like to stop by.”

Later that day, the professor leading the course thanked Nikki and welcomed her gesture.

“Aw thanks so much for sharing this @tcmccr,” the professor tweeted back. “I am very excited to teach AAS 140.2: Nicki Minaj: The Black Barbie Femmecee and Hip-Hop Feminism”. This spring 2023 @UC Berkeley. We will be happy and honored to stop for you.”

The Barbz offer their support, the professor thanks them

In accordance with the professorwhose name remains unclear, created her Twitter account to respond to Nicki’s proposal.

“p.s. I don’t have social media, but I just started twitter as soon as I heard about this topic,” the professor wrote.

And it seems the Barbz, Nicki’s loyal fan base, are just as excited about the course. In the thread, several accounts asked the professor to publish the syllabus, record the lectures, and offer a public online version of the course. Others even shared coursework suggestions.

The professor answered the requests and suggestions Thank you for your support.

“Barbz: Thank you so much for your love and interest in my class! Words cannot express my excitement and gratitude for your support. I am so encouraged and look forward to sharing more details when they are complete,” she wrote.

The Professor asks Nicki Minaj for understanding

In addition to thanking Nicki and the Barbz, the professor also took the opportunity to see how else she could get Nicki Minaj. She asked the artist for her understanding of the term paper.

“This class is interested in thinking critically about you and your output within the context of the larger historical-social framework and hip-hop feminism. So having your own personal ideas would be AWESOME! I’m wrapping up this fall and would love to talk in more detail via DM,” she wrote.

It is unclear at this point if Nicky and the professor touched base privately. But at least students can look forward to meeting Nicky and creating a paper about her!